Hints for Writing a Letter to a Teenager at Camp

IELTS Letter to a Friend

by Gagan

Informal IELTS Letters - Writing to a Friend

Informal IELTS Letters - Writing to a Friend

Your friend is thinking about learning to drive and would like some advice. Write a letter to your friend.

- Say why a driving license is advantageous
- Recommend a driving school
- Give extra guidance/ tips

Dear Albert

I am glad to hear that you have decided to learn driving. The idea of learning to drive will definitely change your life.

But firstly, you need to have driving license which can be a way round to remove all the restrictions to drive anywhere with freedom. You will be independent in handling routine tasks for instance office, shopping etc. Moreover it is a social and legal responsibility of being an ideal citizen.

Secondly, you need to search a good driving school with supportive & experience instructors. I would like to recommend the Hall Driving School in the down town. I, myself, have learnt from this renowned driving school. All the instructors are well trained and experienced professionals. The medium of instructions include both theoretical as well as practical aspects. Moreover, you will also learn the traffic rules as well which are the foremost important in today's life.

To become proficient in all aspects you have to appear for an exam to test you knowledge of driving before obtaining license. I think, a two –week course will be sufficient for you to be perfect and clear the driving trust.

I hope my advice will serve the purpose. Looking forward to hear from you.


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IELTS Letter - Selling a TV

by ADIL - adilalaamri96@gmail.com

You want to sell your television. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter explain:

1. Why you are selling the television

2. Describe the television

3. Suggest a date when your friend can come and see it

Hey my friend, how are you? I hope you're good. I sent these letter to you to inform you that I want to sell my T.V, so I thought I suppose to ask you first I you want to bay it.

I bought a new T.V last week, it's a new model that it came recently to the shops, it's a smart T.V which means you can touch the screen as the smart phones. So, I think I don't need for my old T.V because there is no space for it.

Now here are some details about the old T.V perhaps you want to bay it. It's an original one which had made by a very famous electronic company called LG, I think you know it. It has a built in receiver and DVD so you don't need to buy them. Also it has to remotes, one for the receiver and other one for the DVD.

You have the choice if you want it or not. I won't ask to another person to buy it until I receive your answer. I'll wait for until next Sunday which going to be the 3rd of March.




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IELTS House Sitting Letter

by Vadim Klimenko

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A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

• give contact details for when you are away
• give instructions about how to care for your pet
• describe other household duties


Dear Shamil,

Thank you very much for confirming your readiness to take care of my house and dog. I really appreciate your help as it makes my trip much more comfortable.

Please be informed that I will be in London till June 15th and you can call my UK cell number. In the mid of June I plan to fly to Chicago, so please send me a message via whatsapp if you have any question then.

As I said earlier, it's required to walk with the dog, Sher, at least on early mornings and on evenings. You may take the dog to the small park near the Baku-Astrakhan friendship monument or to the boulevard if you have time for longer walk. The dog food is on the bottom shelf of the refrigirator. Please give no more than one can of the food per day to Sher. I also want to ask you to water all flowers twice per week. The only exception is the flower at the kitchen, which doesn't require water at all. In the case if you find any utility bill in the post-box, just place it on my table.

Thanks again for agreeing to help me with these duties. I will be happy to do the same for you when you go for your holidays to Rio.

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Selling a Television

by Yumi
(SP, Brazil)

You want to sell your television. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter:

- Explain why you are selling the television
- Describe the television
- Suggest a date when your friend can come and see it

Dear John,

6 months ago I bought a brand new LG 42' LCD screen television since, at that time, I was moving to a new house and wanted all my stuff to be new: this TV was placed in my living room along with my new sound system. I had one TV and brought it with me, too, but I decided to put it in my room. That one is not so modern but it has wi-fi connection, so it suits my needs.

It happens that all the expenses with my moving were beyond my plans and I ended up deciding to sell this new TV to make some extra money. When thinking about someone that could have it, you came to my mind. I remember that you were after a 4K TV with integrated wi-fi connection and lots of HDMI slots and mine does have all of that! Besides, it is so lightweight that even your little brother can carry it.

I know you are around town this month, so why don't you come over and have a look at it? I'll be at home all day long on weekends. If you want to stop by on weekdays, just let me know. I can make it after 18PM if you wish. We can agree on a great price.

Let me know what you think! Call me on my phone of text me.



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Help from a Friend Abroad

by Deeuce

You are going to another country to study. You would like to do a part-time job while you are studying, so you want to ask a friend who lives there for some help.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,

- give details of your study plans
- explain why you want to get a part-time job
- suggest how your friend could help you find a job

Dear Josh,

Warm greetings from Nepal. I hope you are doing well. I am really happy to know about your promotion recently and wish you very best in your future endeavors.

You would be happy to know that I have been accepted to southern Illinois University Edwardsville for the Masters in Marketing Research program. I am excited as well as concerned to take such a big step in my life, especially for the reason of funding. I have very limited funding available from my school - barely enough to stay - and thinking of looking for a part time job. I can earn for my food and other expenses and spend some during good-times when visiting your place.

I was hoping if you could inquire in some of the stores nearby for job vacancies at your convenience. I will much appreciate your help and can't wait to see you soon.

Warm Regards,


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Returning a Forgotten Item

by appz

You have just spent a week with a friend on holiday. When you got home you realized you left your wallet there.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

1. Thank your friend for the holiday
2. Explain that you left your wallet in their house
3. Give them instructions of how to sent it back to you

Hi Latha

How are you? I hope this letter finds you well. Although it's just been a week that we met, it feels like ages.

I totally enjoyed the week spent with you and your family in New York. It was the best holiday that I have ever had and must say your kids are adorable. The time spent with them in the city park was so much fun. I can't thank you enough for such an organized and fun filled holiday.

Actually on returning home, I realized that I left my wallet in your house. I have been so careless recently and all my cards and work id is in that wallet

So could you please courier it to my work address at the earliest since I recently shifted my apartment and is not sure with postal code yet. My work address is mentioned in the business card I gave you.

Thank you so much again for such a memorable holiday and do visit us on your next vacation.

Take care

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Selling A Television

by Anshu

You want to sell your television. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter:

- Explain why you are selling the television.
- Describe the television.
- Suggest a date when your friend can come and see it.

Dear Suzana,

Hope you are doing well, I am doing fine too.

As you know i am moving abroad next month and there are lot of things at home which i do not want to take along with me. Television is one such item which i am planning to sale at cheaper & reasonable price.

It is 40 inch sony TV with LED screen bought in year 2016, have all the latest features such USB port & internet connectivity, you can watch movies , music and can do lot of things.

I'm leaving the country next month, which is only 4 weeks away, so let me know if you want to see it, it would be best to come on 20th or 21st. That will give me time to sell it elsewhere if you are not interested.

Ok, I look forward to seeing you. Let me know if you can't make it.

All the best,

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Organising a Birthday

by Jasleen Kaur
(Patiala, Punjab, India)

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Your friend is about to celebrate a landmark birthday and would welcome suggestions as to how it should be celebrated.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

- say what type of party should be held e.g. themed, fancy dress, black tie event
- suggest a suitable venue
- make recommendations as to entertainment e.g. Dj, jazz band etc.

Dear Mary,

How are you? I hope this letter finds you in pink of the health.

I am writing this letter in reference to your letter which I got yesterday. I was very delighted after reading your letter that you are going to celebrate your birthday. We all are going to paint the town red on your birthday party night. To make this happen, I think you should celebrate in style by arranging a fancy dress theme party where everyone would not only be excited to see you but also to see their companion's dress as well.

Since, you are going to kick up your heels, so you should book a hall with adequate space. There is a restaurant with name Shaureya in your vicinity. It will be perfect for this occasion.

Moreover, if you could arrange for DJ as well, it would add even more fun to your party and we could dance even after small hours.

It will be great to catch up again soon. Give my best wishes to everyone in the family.

With Love

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Friend in Hospital

by Inspired

You play a team sport with some friends. Last week a member of the team had an accident and wasn't able to play with you at the weekend. You decide to write to him in hospital, telling him about the match.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,

- tell him which team won
- describe the conditions on the day
- say how you felt about the match

Dear Martin,

Hope you are recovering from the injures . We feel very bad for not being with you at hospital.

I have a good news for you, Our Team won the Cricket match, hurry.As a main batman of our team you are incomparable and reliable. Most of our members accept that you hardwark and passion is something that motivate every one in the team. Unfortunately we missed your presence on this match. Through this match our team got a chance to participate in upcoming finals and that what we dreamed for.

I know you will be excited to know about the match. Best thing about the match was the weather, It was perfectly fine for the match. From the Tossing opposite Team got their batting first. Our target score were 578 and by the end by losing 5 wickets we got 579.Even though the match was tough at starting it become smooth at the ending.

We are eager to see you again, awaiting for your Prayers are always with you. Get well soon, take care.

Yours Sincerely

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Selling a TV

by Bhawna Sharma
(New Delhi)

You want to sell your television. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter explain:

1. Why you are selling the television
2. Describe the television
3. Suggest a date when your friend can come and see it

Dear Baljeet,

I just want to let you know that I am selling my old television as I bought a new Samsung(52 inch, full HD) tv recently. As I remember the last time we met, you were looking for an old TV online.

My old television is just 3 years old and is in very good condition. Its a 32 inch Sony LCD screen with bluetooth and HDMI connectivity. It is under the company's warranty that covers 10 years after purchase. All the bills are warranty card are with us.

If you are still searching for one and my television fits your requirement, you can see it anytime by next weekend. The price can be discussed once you like it.

Waiting for your reply.

Bhawna Sharma

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Visiting a friend in another country

by Vighnedh

You plan to do some traveling in a few months. You would like to visit an old friend who lives in another country. You haven't spoken to this friend in a few years.

Write a letter to your friend, in your letter,

* Provide a short update about your life since you saw him/her last.
* Explain why you will be traveling to their city.
* Say what you would like to do when you visit his/her city.

Dear Micheal,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. Since its been years that we haven't talked to each other, I believe you haven't forgotten me right?

The last time we met if you remember? I was studying at this photography institute called Arena Animation, and you had just graduated from college. I don't know what made you immigrate to another country, but I would like to update you that I've become a professional photographer. I have been working with this studio called Golden Robot for the past two years now, and this job is already taking me places!

Before you even wonder, which cities I've already visited, I'd like to tell you that I've toured entire Europe already. Also, guess what? My next destination is the city where you live now. Yes! I'm coming to Singapore for at least a month this November. Although I'd have some work to do, I'm pretty sure I can manage at least 10 days to travel with an old friend of mine.

I know reading this, you'd already start planning the trip, but before that, there are a few places I'd like to visit for vacation. Among these are the famous Jewel Airport, which was recently made available for tourists, the Merlion, and the world-famous Universal Studios. I know, I'm asking too much, but these are the places I'd like to explore with you. I know the rest you will plan it yourself.

I hope you'd get holidays from your workplace and we can have fun together.

Yours lovingly,

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A Friend who is House-sitting

by Michelle Ozojie
(Abuja, Nigeria)

You are going away to travel for the summer. A friend will be looking after your house while you are away. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter:

*Say where you are going
*Describe your house
*Explain some of the things your friend must do to look after your house.

Dear Mirabel,

I appreciate your acceptance to look after my house this December when I travel to Enugu.

My house is a four-bedroom duplex with an outdoor swimming pool at the back and a rose garden at the left side of the building. I have a housekeeper that comes twice a week and my gardener stays just down the street so, you don't need to worry about cleaning the house or the roses. The pantry is stocked so you don't need to bother about grocery shopping except for an occasional fresh supply of meat. And I live just two blocks away from the store.

The only thing I would like you to do is to feed my cat and take him to the vet every Wednesday. You will see his food at the bottom drawer of the kitchen cabinet.

Anyway, I have to go now. I will give you a phone call before I leave. Thank you once again for doing this.

All the best,


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Letter Translation of Document

by Sagar

You need a translation of a document into a different language. you have a friend who speaks that language.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

- explain what the document is and why you need a translation
- explain why is in urgent and important for you
- ask your friend if and when he/she will be able to help you

Dear Chen,

I was just thinking about you the other day when i saw the Jackie Chan movie in the theaters. Anyways, i was just wondering if you could give me a hand with translating a letter from Chinese to English.

The document I need your help with is my university admission letter in the Beijing University of technology for my masters in Beijing,China.As it also has the banking details and the amount of fees which i have to pay, as a part of my admission procedure.

Due to the fact that the deadline to pay the full fee will end in a week's time I want to make sure that i have the translation before that. Moreover, if I fail to do that for any reason then, my admission at the university will be cancelled and as you already know that studying at this university is one of my dreams.

I wouldn't have stressed you more, as I'm aware of your busy working schedule but keeping the urgency in mind please let me know if it's possible for you to translate it and if so then, when can i pop up at your house to get this thing done?

I'll be anxiously waiting for your reply.

Best regards,


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Translation of Document

by Usman

You need a translation of a document into a different language. You have a friend who speaks that language.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

- explain what the document is and why you need a translation
- explain why is in urgent and important for you
- ask your friend if and when he/she will be able to help you

Hi Gary,

I am writing to ask your help in having a document translated into french. I am aware you are well versed with the french language and trust you would heed to my request.

Let me explain my situation in further detail. As you may be aware I have been invited to Paris to complete a semester for e-commerce business course. I have been asked to submit my documentation by end of the week. They have specifically asked for my bachelors degree both original along with a transalted version in french. They have also confirmed that this has to be submitted at the earliest, if not the seat will be transferred to other applicant. I have very short time for submitting the documents therefore I will have to rush.

Could you let me know your availablity for tomorrow or the day after? So that we can complete this at the earliest. I will assure it should not take you more than an hour.

I look forward to your response.

Best Regards,

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Selling a TV

by Suresh

You want to sell your television. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter:

- Explain why you are selling the television.
- Describe the television.
- Suggest a date when your friend can come and see it.

Hi Surya,

Hope you're doing well.

Last week when we had met during Ravi's party, you'd told me that you're planning to buy a television. Well, I'm selling my television and I'm hoping that you might be interested to buy it.

You might have heard that I'd got a full time job opportunity in Canada and I'll be migrating very soon. Since, I cannot go there carrying this television along with me, I want to sell it here, before I leave and you're the first one on the top of my head.

You might have some questions about the product. Well, I'm here to clarify them for you. The product is MI Smart TV, 60 inches screen. It was bought two months ago at Bajaj Electronics and it has a two year product warranty. Coming to the specifications, It's a hd model with curved display and has all the HDMI, USB, AUX and other display ports.

If you're interested and want to inspect the television, please do come over to my house on the weekend, as I'll be off work and I'll give you more details about it.

Let me know your decision.

Best Regards,
Suresh Panduga.

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Hints for Writing a Letter to a Teenager at Camp

Source: https://www.ieltsbuddy.com/informal-ielts-letters-writing-to-a-friend.html

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